Candy's Little Corner of the Web

Critical Mass - Political, Economic and Religious Babylon

Dear Friends and Loved Ones, 

“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart!

I have overcome the world.” — John 16:33 

Critical Mass

The Kingdom of God is filling the earth as the waters cover the sea, but very soon there will be a huge swoosh, as critical mass is achieved. The kingdoms of this world are in their death throes. They have become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ ever since the powerful reclamation of kingdom dominion through Calvary . But the massive shift to this reality is about to astound everyone.  

We are into the seventh and final millennium of human, biblical history. All bets are off. All preconceived theological assumptions of what is unfolding need to be shelved and the Commander-in-Chief consulted. Some of the information is classified; some is for other eyes only; but there are specific assignments for you that He wants to communicate to you. The present situation is at “critical mass” between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of the world.

Wikipedia defines critical mass, “An amount or level needed for a specific result” as in “The smallest mass of fissionable material that will sustain a nuclear chain reaction at a constant level,” or “The amount of matter needed to generate sufficient gravitational force to halt the current expansion of the universe.” This is a prophetic definition. We are about experience changes on planet earth not unlike the changes that took place during the second millennium when man’s lifespan was shortened, the earth tipped, and the waters covered the continents. The earth’s bondage to decay was exacerbated, and we are about to have the privilege of setting it free. This is what God hopes for.

 God changed times and seasons Dan. 2:21.  When did He do that? At the flood, He shortened the time of man’s years to one hundred twenty. I believe He also intensified the seasons by tipping the earth. When will He change them again?  Soon – maybe He is (we are) even in the process right now as you read this.

 When this millennium reaches its fullness, Christ will reign over the earth. Old age will begin sometime after one or two hundred years unless a person is exceptionally healthy. Whatever governmental structures exist among the nations, they will all submit to Christ, since He will reign as King of kings and Lord of lords. Wars will cease. Hunger and poverty will vanish. Decay and corruption will be no more. It will be as if heaven had come to earth. (If you described our life styles to anyone who lived more than a hundred years ago, they would say this is heaven on earth.)

 Between then and now a few things must still happen, or finish happening. Babylon must fall. Rev.19. (Read the entire chapter to get a feel for what is included in Babylon , and then come out of her).  Religious Babylon must come to an end. Economic Babylon must crash. Political Babylon must fail.

 As the critical mass takes place before our eyes, we are (I am) tempted to wade in to the fracas and set things right. The problem is that things can never go back to what they were. For example: Political Babylon in America . The USA has become the USSA, The United Socialist States of America . Each of the fifty formerly sovereign states has sold its independence to a non-state District that steals, creates, and bribes with huge sums of money. Biblically, governments are likened to beasts. In America the Beast was tightly chained by a constitution and by-laws. However, the beast long ago broke free and is unfettered in satiating its ravenous appetite. We will soon hear of States declaring their sovereignty and seceding from the Union just like the civil war. In fact there will be many civil wars throughout the earth during this transition. It is too late to go back. The States in America can no longer secede, because like Esau, they have sold their birthrights for a mess of federal porridge.

 I can personally get very worked up over this political mess. It is tempting to invest myself in this place of the battle. “If I could gather together our USSA power elite, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, I’d sure like to tell them a thing or two.”  But this would be settling for talking to Marionettes. Even if they do have some power to affect things, or if they are merely pawns of a conspiracy, why settle for empty froth? Why be concerned with what is terminal and passing away?

This is true for all of political Babylon . All human governments are coming down, not just America’s. The civil wars will be bloody and brutal. Unless the King specifically tells you to get involved, stay out of them all. They are lost causes. The governments of man will blow away like chaff on a threshing floor in summer. Dan. 2:35 “Do not be afraid little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.” Luke 12:32

This is true for economic Babylon . All currencies will fail. The dollar is doomed, the Euro will be erased, and Pesos will pass away. The only financial security today is in the investments you have made in the relationships of heaven. Those who have hoarded wealth here in these last days are facing a world of hurt. James 5:3 “Do not be afraid little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.” Luke 12:32

This is true for religious Babylon. Jesus Christ came into the world to give us life, and to share life with us. We turn this God business into a religion rather than do family life with our Father. You might be thinking, “Surely you are not referring to Christianity.” I am referring to everywhere Jezebel is tolerated and the Nicolaitans hold sway. He who has ears to hear, let him hear. “Do not be afraid little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.” Luke 12:32

For all three facets of Babylon, the command of our Sovereign is the same, “COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE.”

Beloved, remember that you are an ambassador for the Creator. You are a spokesman for the eternal Word. You are a legitimate expression of His Body which is the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way. He rules everything in your interest. You are His agent and the effecter of His purposes. You are in place to change all of creation as we continue further into this seventh and final millennium of the history of man.

Many neighbors and friends will be terrified at these happenings. You are in a strategic place to give encouragement, help, and a living example of how a child of God overcomes adversity. “To him who overcomes… I will give the right to eat from the tree of life (Rev.2:7)… will not be hurt at all by the second death (2:11)…I will give some of the hidden manna (2:17)… I will give authority over the nations (2:26)… will be dressed in white (3:5)… I will make a pillar in the temple of my God (3:12)…I will give the right to sit with me on my throne (3:21)” Beloved, hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.

Love in Christ,


February 25, 2009


Semi-regular newsletter     

Frank B. Smith, Director

cell (760) 641-0251 

PO Box 3009, Vista , CA 92085  

Next: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus