Candy's Little Corner of the Web

The Technicolor Demon

and The Flaming Darts

A few weeks after the Baptism, it was in the middle of the night when my Husband and I were both in a deep sound sleep. All was peaceful and quiet. All of the sudden this HORRIBLE UGLY, FLAMING - THING - with GIANT CLAWS, it was a BRIGHT NEON TECHNICOLOR DEMON with a giant skeleton face with HATE filled eyes and big sharp fangs in its mouth, just appeared and came rapidly FLYING right at my FACE!!! - And before I could even THINK, I quickly sat up, GROWLED at it and reached out to CLAW at it and Poof! it disappeared. Meanwhile, I was SO MAD that this THING had the NERVE to come into OUR HOUSE.... HOW DARE IT!!!! My inner SPIRIT was so mad that I was physically quaking with HATRED and ANGER like I have NEVER felt before in all of my life... I had growled so loud that Cowboy woke up and said, "huh? wha? what's wrong?!?!?!" and I said, real calmly and slowly, "Nuthin' honey...... I just had a "mini" nightmare (as in insignifcant) that's all.... go back to sleep.." And that's what I did - I laid my head back down and went right back to sleep!

A few weeks later, and again, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, I woke up just in time to see two flaming little darts slowly glide through the air and they hit me in the side, below my ribs. I thought that I was in a dream, it seemed so surreal, but my body actually did physically react with each one's impact, as if actually being struck by a solid object. When my body "juked", it shook the bed, which caused my husband to momentarily stop snoring. The two darts looked like small short white/yellow/red/orange arrows with flames coming out of the back of them. The back part of them almost resembled hollow hearts, where the flames were coming off of. I could actually hear the flames as they were traveling through the air, like the sound of your gas stove when you first light the flames from a pilot light. At the time I did not think anything of this and went back to sleep. Little did I know what those flaming darts meant or the frustrations and tears that they would bring me.

next - My Greatest Loss