Candy's Little Corner of the Web

My Personal Experiences As a Child of God

Since November 22nd, 1998 until

now, I have come a LONG WAY

from when I first met Jesus Christ

as my Personal Savior. It has been

an interesting, and sometimes

even painful journey, but a total

learning experience nonetheless.

Through it all, I know that God

will never leave me nor forsake me,

even when things are looking their darkest. I trust in Him totally to lead me and guide me by His Holy Spirit and he has NEVER let me down and I KNOW that he

NEVER will.

This part of the site is where You can read about some things that I have personally learned and REAL experiences that I have had, starting with the story of my testimony. I am not sharing this material for my own glory or recognition, because those two things are unimportant to me. Instead, it is my intention that hopefully some of what you read here might just help you in the future.

Well now, kick back, relax, and “let the journey begin!” Just click “next”; or one of the links which are listed to the right on this page, starting at the top. i give God all the glory!

In His Love,


Next: How I Met The Lord