Candy's Little Corner of the Web

Sealed In The Spirit

On the way to work that same morning as I was driving in my pickup truck, I just started Thanking God for taking that need for smokes away from me, I felt so free and clean, and wonderful and on and on and on... and the next thing I know, He just FILLED me with His Spirit so STRONGLY that it was like I was on the greatest high that I have ever been on, and I did experiment with some wild drugs in my younger days, and let me tell you, the greatest LSD high couldn’t even come CLOSE to what I was experiencing!!!!! It was like a billion times in INTENSITY compared to what I have ever experienced!!!! AND - The Lord Blessed me with this experience for seven whole days in a row!!!

The closest that I can describe this, is that I was so full of LOVE that my entire skin felt like it couldn’t hold any more and if my heart would have exploded out of my chest I would have said, “ahhhh that’s Wonderful Lord!!!!! and not have been phased by it!!!” I would look at the leaves of the trees and the blades of grass and bugs and people and all kinds of things and just Praise God for their beauty!!! And EVERYTHING looked so CLEAN and BRIGHT to me - it was truly an indescribable experience... I have tried to put it into writing here, but words cannot even come CLOSE to what all I was experiencing!!! This was just such a MINUTE taste of the Glory of the Lord!!!!! It truly was AWESOME. 

During those seven days, God also showed me some other things that I have never seen before, such as He gave me quick glimpses of a few people that I knew, and revealed that they were evil - in split second flashes He showed me that they had the eyes of a goat.... And something strange happened that I remember too, such as the time that I was taking to the receptionist at the Dodge garage while waiting for them to finish servicing my truck. She and I had always had good friendly conversations, but this time was different. Every time she started to talk to me, I would walk over to her desk so we weren’t shouting to each other across the room, and as I got near her desk, she would turn her head away from me with a look of pain on her face and peer at me out of the corner of her eyes, like there was some bright and hot light that was way too bright for her to look at.... (somebody told me later that her spirit couldn’t handle the Holy Spirit that was shining out of me.) 

Anyhow, at the end of seven days my face hurt from smiling so much and I said “I Love You Lord, but I don’t think that I can live like THIS for the rest of my life... it’s just so INTENSE!” and he ever so gently let it fade... (and I thought, OH NO!!! What have I done!!! Man did I goof or what???” But every now and again, he rewards me with an unexpected taste of it here and there... I think that it is His way of letting me know that He is pleased with me... Because of this experience, I “KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW” that I am a Blood-Bought Child of God, an Heir to the Throne and satan has NO AUTHORITY over me. I know that when I die I am going to wake up in His Mighty and Awesome and Wonderful Presence, and I will be there for ETERNITY.

And THAT was just the BEGINNING of this Wonderful Journey in the Lord.

next - God of Coincidences and Other Thoughts